Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Koalas Animoto Video


I like koalas Jackie

our video is cool. chloe

I liked doing my resersch. Hannah

koalas are cute. jasmine

You should see our video it is so cool.Jenna

koalas are my favorite animals.asa

Koalas can survive the poison of eucalyptus leaves.Kelby


  1. I miss doing our raeserch Mrs.Rodriguez.
    It was realy cool.

  2. Dear Mrs.Rodriguez,
    I am making a colering book sints
    I have a printer at my house now.
    It is going to have all of the
    animal's in the world.
    So this summer I am going
    to be realy,realy bissy.
    On the first page it has a
    Miniature Schnayzer sints
    I have that kind of dog
